October 16, 2017 Edition
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Mind The Gap: Shrinking The Distance Between NOC And SOC
Mind The Gap: Shrinking The Distance Between NOC And SOC
Companies cannot afford extended network downtime, any more than they can afford cybercriminal activity targeting systems running the business or their information assets. Unfortunately, enterprise security and performance teams rarely operate as holistically as the forces they're fighting against.
The WSJ Pro Cybersecurity - Background
Cyber Matters: The Importance of Cyberinsurance for SMEs
When faced with a cybersecurity incident, most large enterprises have well-planned and well-rehearsed procedures, but the majority of small to medium-sized businesses do not. With limited (or non-existent!) information security resources and a lack of experience of handling incidents, the likelihood of lasting damage from an attack is high.
10 Common IT Security Risks in the Workplace
Pick up any newspaper or watch any news channel and you hear about “breach du jour”. What I hear come through when a new breach is announced is how most companies continue to stay vulnerable irrespective of their sector, size, and resources.
How to Protect Your Computer from Ransomware and Other Malware
What if you didn't have to worry about ransomware or any other viruses? Malware is one of the challenges that keep the CTO and CEO from sleeping at night. 
Security Awareness for End Users: Working Remotely & Wi-Fi Security

Enterprises are only truly protected when stakeholders at all levels are actively involved in maintaining information security.

No-Priority, Post-Auth Vulnerabilities
In the course of collecting and disclosing vulnerabilities, I occasionally come across an issue that walks like a vuln, quacks like a vuln, but... it's not exactly a vuln. The behavior observed is nearly always a bug of some sort, but it’s not immediately exploitable, or the “exploit” is merely exercising the expected level of privilege, but in an unexpected context.
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